The Gruber House

This immaculate cabin is truly one-of-a-kind. It was originally part of the Gruber family homestead (of Gruber Wagon’s in Berks County). It dates to 1834 and stands in Berks County, PA. The structure is a predominately oak (with some chestnut) large log cabin with a large timber frame addition and is in several ways. The main cabin measures 31.5′ long x 27.5′ wide! The timber frame measures 16′ long x 27.5′ wide . The square footage for all three floors of the log cabin is 2600 sq ft (almost unheard of in the early 1800’s).

The overall square footage is over 4000 square feet! The ceiling heights are exceptionally tall for a home of this era (indicating wealth): the first floor ceiling height is 9′ to the bottom of the floor joists; the second floor is 8’3″ to the bottom of the joists.

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