Reclaimed Threshing Flooring
Reclaimed from the thick barn flooring of the first floor of a barn, threshing flooring is very unique and has a look like nothing else, new or antique. Threshing is the process of separating grains, so a threshing floor has hundreds of years of wear from farming, animals, people and tools. The wear on these boards was created by the people who built our country.
Antique threshing flooring is ideal for decks, patios, period workshops and barns. We de-nail and hand sweep all wood. We offer this product unmilled or milled.

“The heft and feel of a well-worn handle,
The sight of shavings that curl from a blade;
The logs in the woodpile, the sentiment of huge
beams in an old-fashioned house;
The smell of fresh cut timbers and the pungent
fragrance of burning leaves;
The crackle of kindling and the hiss of burning logs.
Abundant to all the needs of man, how poor the world would be without wood”
-Everard Hinrichs
Contact Us
Store Address:
255 Route 313
Perkasie, PA 18944